Thursday, May 28, 2009

Appt again..

Went for my Gynae appt, i had to go 1 hour earlier from the appt time just to do blood test before seeing the dr.

And i was having a nagging sort of feeling that the day won't turn out so good and i was kinda right and luckily i was not made to wear the face mask again. Got there around 805am and register at the counter. I think the counter staff assumed that i know what to do for the blood taking but i don't,[i was called to have a blood test when i got home from my last appt with the dr, the staff just told me to come and everything will be ready for me and of course i don't have the blood forms right] and told me to go to room 2 for the dr appt. And when i had to pointed out to her about the blood test, only then she told me to go to room 22. So the patients have to be more vigilant about these kind of matters?

The nurse asked me as well where was my forms and i had to explained again, alamak, tired you know. Why was there, like no communications between this section and that section. I made the effort to come early and this is what i was getting. She even thought that i need to do another ultrasound and i said no, it's blood test, why don't she just checked the dr's notes or something. And true enough after 10mins of wasting my time they believe me. Took my blood and had to wait for 30-45mins for the results to come back. In the meantime i just wait and watch the tv.

When it's time to see the dr, i got the blood results from the nurse and she shows me my HB count is 12.2, which is good. Alhamdulilah. I don't know what i do or maybe it was pure coincidence, due to the facts that i have been eating a lot of brown rice at home? Haha. The dr was happy with the blood results and asking me routine questions and i would be seeing her in another 6 months time. Yay.

Next i have to go to the pharmacy to collect my medications. When my number was called, the pharmacist asked me what is my IC no. So i was saying S7...i haven't even finished saying it when she interrupted me and started to explained the medicaions and what not. Like....what the fish la, why you even bother to asked me what is my IC, if you can't be bothered to hear it. So funny the pharmacist, makes me kinda lose my mood a bit, like want to shake her abit also, haha. She just give me the medications for 3 months first, if i need more i have to go there AGAIN to get the other 3 months of the medications. Alamak! And i realised also she didn't asked me if i have taken the medications before or not, tsk tsk, such in a hurry that she forget some of the important things which she should be asking the patients instead.


Let's hope she won't be serving me the next time.