Don't know why but i have been feeling light headed today that for a few sec, my view was getting hazy/blackish like that. In the morning i was doing fine but it will started after i had my dinner. Had to lie down and i almost dozed off, hehe. Lukily the light headed feeling passes by but now i am having it again.
I have started or trying to eat some healthier food. Bought some wholemeal bread to munch on in the morning. I even bought cereals :)
The weather has been a bit more nicer lately, due to the fact that it has been raining. It's not always that we would be getting the rain, but it's better than the constant hot weather we been having. I just love rainy days!
Hopefully with me sleeping tonight, my giddiness would subside in the morning.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Light Headed
Posted by las at 9:27 pm